CryoClear is a cutting edge way to treat age spots, sun spots and skin tags. CryoClear uses compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) to treat a variety of epidermal (exposed) skin indications.
Starting at just $50 per spot, you’ll be amazed at the reduction in treatment time, down time and drastically improved results!
How Does CryoClear Work?
CryoClear freezes at – 79° C to a depth that freezes only the epidermal layer, delivering a very safe and clinically effective treatment. CryoClear’s high efficacy – over 95% – combined with less destruction of healthy tissue makes it perfect for treating age spots, sun spots and skin tags.
Is It Safe?
Because of CryoClear’s shallow but effective depth of freeze, CryoClear greatly minimizes the risk of blistering, scarring and hypo-pigmentation- usually associated with colder forms of cryotherapy. In as little as one treatment, CryoClear can treat indications such as skin tags, age spots, and sun spots on sensitive areas like the hands, face and neck.
What Can Be Treated?
Skin Tags: Generally small, stalk-like lesions without thickening at the base. Indication is skin colored or brown with slightly wrinkled surfaces.
Actinic Keratosis: Sun Spots Poorly circumscribed, pink to red, slightly scaly indication usually found on sun-exposed areas such as face, head, neck and back of the hands.
Solar Lentigo: Liver or Age Spots Sharply circumscribed, non-scaling indication with uniform brown color often found on sun-exposed areas on the face and back of the hands.
Whether used as a stand-alone treatment, or in addition to a chemical peel, microdermabrasion treatment, or microneedling treatment to treat stubborn dark spots on the hands, face and neck, CryoClear offers a better, faster cryotherapy solution with significant benefits for our clients!
Before And After Photos